A ransomware attack targeted approximately 40 museums in France on August 4th, 2024, including the Grand Palais, which is currently hosting the Olympic events.

Cybercriminals had targeted the institution’s central computer system, but the incident did not cause any disruption to Olympic events. The computer system at the venue also handles data for 40 mainly small museums with which it is affiliated, the prosecutors said in an email.

While the Olympics event in itself was unaffected by the attacks, the venue hosting the event was slightly affected. The institution’s central computer system which held the financial data, was targeted by the threat actors. The attackers demanded a ransom in cryptocurrency and threatened to release sensitive financial information if their demands were not met within 48 hours.

Read about the history of ransomware attacks: A Brief History of Ransomware Attacks

The Olympics Goes On

Despite the attack, there has been no reported disruption to the Olympic events taking place at the Grand Palais. The French authorities are investigating the incident, and the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) has confirmed the attack occurred. While the attack did not disrupt the Olympics, it highlights the growing threat of ransomware and the importance of robust cybersecurity measures, especially for high-profile events like the Olympics.

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