Globe and Red Hat, Inc., a global leader in open source solutions, announced their collaboration on modernizing Globe’s IT infrastructure using Red Hat Open Innovation Labs. This will enhance Globe’s agility, scalability, and innovation towards improving customer experience.

During their Open Innovation Labs residency, Globe engineers worked hand in hand with Red Hat to put into practice open source technologies, particularly the top-ranked hybrid cloud application platform, Red Hat OpenShift, running at the top of Kubernetes. They started adopting DevOps methodologies and innovative practices around operational efficiency, developer productivity, observability, upskilling, and cross-team collaboration.

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Because of this joint effort, Globe’s teams very quickly migrated their first application modules in order to benefit from all the capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift. This set the stage for scaling the platform and migrating the first complete application to Red Hat OpenShift within just six months. It has also entailed forming cross-functional teams and creating new operational processes. Key benefits for Globe include:

Test-driven development and automation reduced test execution time by 80%. Now, the tests are executed more frequently than ever, without generating manual reports.

In a GitOps-based cloud-native approach, 75% faster resource provisioning is achieved through zero-touch provisioning, self-healing, and auto-scaling.

Zero-downtime cluster upgrades give high availability to the platform, resulting in a more consistent, manageable lifecycle management process.

A base for future development and deployment of AI-enabled applications.

In support of Globe’s vision to migrate from a legacy telco into a modern technology corporation, Red Hat OpenShift will aid in driving superior customer experiences by providing a resilient and stable application platform.

The Globe aims at attaining operational efficiency by continuously developing its tools, processes, and people to best practices and standards consistent with the company. The vision is to build a self-sustaining, robust, and adaptive organization within this fast-changing digital environment.

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