Wipro Limited, a leading global technology services and consulting company, has published its inaugural ‘Pulse of Cloud’ report that brings to the fore emerging trends in cloud and Artificial Intelligence adoption across multiple industries.

Titled “The Pulse of Cloud: Quarterly Report July 2024,” Wipro FullStride Cloud says in its report that AI is making a very strong case for investments in the Cloud. A full 54 percent of organizations surveyed said AI was the biggest driver for their cloud spending. As firms futurize toward an AI-centered future, many are cranking up their investments in cloud technology, with more than half of the respondents planning to increase spend on hybrid, 54 percent, and public, 56 percent, cloud solutions. While there remains a majority of respondents, 55 percent, whose organizations are adopting the cloud at a rate faster than they are adopting AI, there are over one-third of respondents, 35 percent, that are pushing both technologies simultaneously – with their cloud-first initiatives keeping pace with their AI initiatives.

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Findings support the view that the cloud continues to be at the heart of enterprise transformation, allowing organizations to innovate and stay ahead,” said Jo Debecker, Managing Partner and Global Head of Wipro FullStride Cloud. “The increasing focus on AI only adds to the need for a solid cloud strategy. Cloud’s scalability, processing power are prerequisites for handling the volume of reference data that AI requires. As such, investment decisions related to clouds are increasingly being dictated by the requirement to support AI.”

This, therefore, brings out the growing attention that cloud cost management is getting. This is highlighted by the fact that 54% of organizations are using utilization analysis and automation tools to help control costs, while 59% adopted a unified strategy for cloud management.

“As enterprises reconfigure their infrastructure to capitalize on AI, they also acknowledge the value of a cloud economics approach. Our survey found that as the cloud continues to drive investments in data migration and AI-related applications, the importance of having a unified cost management strategy becomes crystal clear,” he said.

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